"Connect Shapes" Toolbar

This toolbar is used for connecting shapes.

Connects the selected shapes to the primary selected shape, using the smart connectors.
For more information see Shapes - Connecting Shapes - Smart Connector, Shapes - Connecting Shapes - Connecting Multiple Shapes.
Connects the selected shapes to the primary selected shape, using the direct connectors.
For more information see Shapes - Connecting Shapes - Direct Connector, Shapes - Connecting Shapes - Connecting Multiple Shapes.
Activates the Smart Connection mode in which every new shape gets connected automatically to the previously selected shape with a smart connector.
For more information see Shapes - Connecting Shapes - Smart Connector, Shapes - Connecting Shapes - Auto-Connection Modes.
Activates the Direct Connection mode in which every new shape gets connected automatically to the previously selected shape with a direct connector.
For more information see Shapes - Connecting Shapes - Direct Connector, Shapes - Connecting Shapes - Auto-Connection Modes.
Selects all shapes, connected to the selected shape with connectors.
If the shapes, connected to the selected shape also have shapes, connected to them, these shapes are selected as well.
For more information see Shapes - Operations on Shapes - Selecting.